Refined oil sensor

This UV optical sensor has been developed to measure refined fuels. It measures BTEX compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes) by excitation at a specific ultraviolet wavelength. Sensor response time is less than 2 seconds. Compatible with the WiMo and WiMo Plus range, it is ideal for detecting the presence or absence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and measuring variations in fluorescence, which is an indicator of the concentrations of these compounds that are harmful to the environment and to animal and human health.

This sensor is also compatible with Mosens Modbus and our intelligent wiper.


Technology : Optical

Range : 0 – 2350 ppb

Sensitivity : 0.2 ppb

Linearity : R² linearity > 0.99

Excitation : λ < 300 nm

Emission : λ 325-375 nm