nke Instrumentation has developed new kinds of specific profiling floats to be adapted to any environmental cases. In partnership with LOV (Laboratoire Oceanographique de Villefrance) and Ifremer, during the Remocean and Naos project, they have developed new kinds of profiling floats so that the PROVOR profiling float can embed additional sensors to the standard CTD. It means the floats are now capable to be part of various types of missions. NKE Instrumentation has also developed profiling float for Polar Regions to operate as well under ice than as floating offshore.

PROVOR CTS4: BGC, TS, 2000m, Iridium
Description - PROVOR CTS4 design was based on the PROVOR CTS3 ARGO float to embed additional sensors to the standard CTD. These are optical sensors by Satlantics, WetLabs or Aanderaa.
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PROVOR CTS5 -with camera: fully BGC-ARGO compliant for R&D and demanding application
Description - PROVOR CTS5 design was based on the PROVOR CTS3 ARGO float to embed additional sensors to the standard CTD. They are optical sensors by SeaBird, WetLabs, Hydroptic or Aanderaa.
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Description - The PROVOR Jumbo design is based on the ARGO PROVOR CTS4 and CTS5 floats to offer 60% more energy than the standard BGC float thanks to the hull that is lengthened to be equipped with more batteries. It can also integrate additional sensors.
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Description - A PROVOR-NOSS CTS4 profiling float equipped with NOSS sensor is becoming an essential and promise tool to estimate the anomalies of composition of seawater.
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PROVOR SPI: TS, DO, NO3 pH, 800m
Description - PROVOR SPI is designed to operate under ice. It slides along a tighted cable hanged under an Ice Tether Platform (ITP).
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