Phyco-C Sensor
The WiMo Phycocyanin sensor is compatible with the WiMo and WiMo Plus range of probes. It is a Fluorescence
sensor that allows to detect and monitor cyanobacteria levels exclusively in freshwater. It is usually associated with
harmful algal blooms and coupled with the chlorophyll a sensor it helps to determine the toxicity levels in a water
body and gives a more accurate estimate of the total biomass than the one estimated with only the chlorophyll a
measurement. This is because the excitation wavelength used causes a transfer of energy from phycocyanin to
chlorophyll a.
The key features:
Technology: Optical
Range: 0 – 4500 NTU
Sensitivity: 0.1 ppb
Linearity: R² > 0.99
Excitation: λ 590/30 nm
Emission: λ ≥ 645nm