AtlantOS project

AtlantOS project

A partnership as part of the Atlantos project allowed to propose new features on our ocean drifting buoys s.a. water salinity with barometric pressure compensation. This product evolution was presented this week at the First International Atlantos Symposium! Left to...
pCO2 instruments on T-Flex buoy

pCO2 instruments on T-Flex buoy

Our new pCO2 instruments mounted on a T-Flex buoy have just been deployed for a year in the tropical Atlantic to measure the CO2 fugacity in the ocean surface. Project leaded by the UPMC and coordinated by the Thalassa crew from IFREMER.
Thank you for visiting us at Ocean Business!

Thank you for visiting us at Ocean Business!

We would like to thank you for visiting us in Southampton in April 2019 during the Ocean Business exhibition. It was really great having you all at our booth and we were delighted to discuss with you and introduce our new innovations and latest product evolutions. We...

OCEANS’18 MTS/IEEE Kobe/Techno-Ocean 2018

This week, we are represented at IEEE Kobe in Japan on booths 46 and 76. Luc SIMON, sales manager at nke Instrumentation, will speak a the conference room 504 about the NOSS sensor and absolute salinity concentration measurement on Thursday (15h30-17h10)....