The aim of the « Port Horizon 2025 » project in La Rochelle is to “assist the current developments and anticipate those which will follow to accommodate merchant ships efficiently. It will enable the harbor area to be transformed in order to conserve a crucial competitiveness by reinforcing the historic sectors of the harbor and by attracting new activities with high added value.”
This constructions project includes 4 major operations: construction, creation, development and deepening. Therefore it was necessary to monitor and control the impact on the environment and limit the nuisance for local residents.
Therefore nke Instrumentation supplied the Port of La Rochelle with six buoys for continuous turbidity measurements with real-time data transfer and management of the warning system. The company CREOCEAN acted as an intermediary for the purchase and the deployment of those buoys and it also ensures their operation and maintenance on behalf of the Port of La Rochelle.
A web platform allows all the actors of this project to have a real-time access to all the physico-chemical data of the site. Alarms are automatically sent to each person in charge in case of exceeding the pre-programmed threshold or of deterioration.
These buoys were deployed between the French Île de Ré and La Rochelle in December 2019.
Each buoy is equipped with a SAMBAT multiparameter probe which measures the following parameters:
– Conductivity
– Salinity
– Temperature
– Dissolved oxygen
– Turbidity