nke Instrumentation has developed very high and very low depth profiling floats. The DEEP ARVOR provides salinity, temperature and pressure profiles up to 4000 meters depth, using proven ARFO sensor and the data can also be transmitted by iridium satellite system and the float is GPS positioned. At the contrary, the ARVOR C is a subsurface profiling float designed to operate in coastal environment and perform oceanographic measurement as a pseudo-eulerian station It can perform more than 300 profiles and transmits its data via the iridium satellite system.

Description - The DEEP ARVOR provides salinity, temperature and pressure profiles up to 4000 meters depth, using proven ARGO sensors. Data are transmitted by IRIDIUM satellite system and the float is GPS positioned.
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Description - The DEEP ARVOR DO provides salinity, temperature, pressure and dissolved oxygen profiles up to 4000 meters depth, using proven ARGO sensors. Data are transmitted by IRIDIUM satellite system and the float is GPS positioned.
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ARVOR C: TS, DO, 400m
Description - ARVOR-C is a subsurface profiling float designed to operate in coastal environment and perform oceanographic measurements as a pseudo-eulerian station.
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PROVOR SPI: TS, DO, NO3 pH, 800m
Description - PROVOR SPI is designed to operate under ice. It slides along a tighted cable hanged under an Ice Tether Platform (ITP).
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