NKE Instrumentation has developed dedicated soltuions for specific parameters and applications and provides deep profiling floats to measure profils up to 4000 meters depth. There are also products dedicated to deep sea researchs and offshore oil and gas protection applications. NKE offers specific loggers to measure deepwater accurate pressure and acceleration or monitoring instruments of pore pressure for geotechnical and hydro-seidmentological applications down to 6000 meters.

NOSS: density and absolute salinity
Description - NOSS sensor is a unique underwater sensor for in situ refractive index measurement and capable to detect salinity anomalies of seawater. NOSS sensor has been designed for an use even in harsh environments, down to 2000 meters.
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Description - The DEEP ARVOR provides salinity, temperature and pressure profiles up to 4000 meters depth, using proven ARGO sensors. Data are transmitted by IRIDIUM satellite system and the float is GPS positioned.
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Description - The DEEP ARVOR DO provides salinity, temperature, pressure and dissolved oxygen profiles up to 4000 meters depth, using proven ARGO sensors. Data are transmitted by IRIDIUM satellite system and the float is GPS positioned.
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