Team of experts

The company employs more than 30 people to make sure to satisfy customers’ needs. There is a team of more than 10 engineers that has a great expertise of the oceanographic and electronic products and they are all passionate by environmental concerns. The devices are produced by a team of 10 producers that are very meticulous and cautious. One person is in charge of the after sales service to support the customers when they need help. Finally, there is about 5 people working in the customer service.
Metrology laboratory

“All our laboratory equipment are yearly calibrated to respect international standards.”
NKE Instrumentation has metrology facility in order to calibrate all the devices the company sells before to send them to the customers. It means the company controls all the process as NKE is in charge of the calibration. The metrology lab is equipped with a thermostated tank, CTD measuring instruments, a salinometer portasal, automated pressure tests and turbidity references.
R&D Projects

NKE Instrumentation is constantly pioneering new technologies. Indeed, new state-of-the-art equipment are required to satisfy the new standards in place, emerging environmental requirements, ever more rigorous quality systems and increasingly accurate traceability. The company invests massively in research and development and is therefore highly involved in projects certified either by the Sea centre for competitiveness, the ANRT or Europe.

NKE Instrumentation is involved in several research projects, both nationally and internationally and works in partnership with scientific institutions among them IFREMER, the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea. Some products such as drifting subsurface profiling floats are developed in partnership with IFREMER for the ARGO community in order to make measurements of salinity and temperature.
nke Instrumentation designs, manufactures and sells:
Underwater monitoring instruments
NKE Instrumentation develops, manufactures and sells autonomous multiparameter probes with radio or inductive communication designed to measure the physico-chemical parameters of fresh and sea water and in order to monitor the environment and underwater equipment. The company provides also autonomous data loggers, the WiSens Family, for chemical and physical parameters monitoring, oceans and fresh water monitoring, underwater system analysis and fishing inspection, as well as specific instruments to measure specific parameters.
Buoys and instrumented systems
NKE Instrumentation designs, manufactures and sells automated measurement networks for fresh or sea water and environmental monitoring. Measurement, transmission and retrieval of data using technical solutions, as well-tried and adapted to every medium lakes, rivers, estuaries, coastal areas, offshore, ships of opportunity. These are instrumented buoys and stations for automated monitoring of fresh and coastal waters. To develop this range of products, the company is involved in several research projects, both nationally and internationally.
Profiling floats
NKE Instrumentation has extensive experience in the design and the manufacturing equipment useful for oceanographers’ studies of the evolution of oceans and climate. A technical team specialized in drifting buoys and profiling floats develops and offers various products such as drifting subsurface profiling floats developed in partnership with IFREMER for ARGO – profiling floats equipped with various sensors – drifting buoys equipped with surface ARGOS transmission – autonomous buoys. The technical team of profiling floats is involved in European scientific projects.
Field of application
Our team of engineers and technicians brings all its skills in the in-situ measurement, transmission, storage and formatting of data but also in the design of floats and anchorages as well as integration on existing support.
nke Instrumentation is involved in several research projects, both nationally and internationally, and works in partnership with scientific institutions.